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VIBRANT LINEAR HARMONY: harmonious fusion of three striking colors - deep blue, teal, and vibrant red from SEA AND LOVE IN BLUE collection

Designed by: abanas

The boldness of the color palette is balanced by the precision and structure of the straight lines. The deep blue exudes a sense of depth and stability, while the teal adds a touch of freshness and vibrancy. The vibrant red injects a passionate and energetic element into the pattern. Together, these colors form a captivating composition that is both sophisticated and visually arresting.
VIBRANT LINEAR HARMONY is a versatile choice for a wide range of applications. Whether used for upholstery, drapery, clothing, or home decor accents, it infuses any space or fashion item with a sense of modernity and artistic flair. Its dynamic design appeals to those who appreciate the beauty of structured geometry and the bold use of color.

This design is part of a collection

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